About Festival

     The Children's Theatre Festival "POZORIŠTE ZVEZDARIŠTE" is a regional competitive festival that presents the best theatrical productions for children in Serbia and neighboring countries.

    The initiative to hold the festival was initiated by the actress Olivera Viktorović, the journalist Tanja Peternek Aleksić came up with the name and went down in history as the "godmother of the festival", and the following people provided support and actively participated in the creation: Svetlana Velmar-Janković, Radmila Hrustanović, Željko Hubač, Nebojša Romčević ... The idea was that by organizing "Zvezdarište" to affirm and encourage theatrical creation for the youngest and in that way to at least slightly correct the injustice that is reflected in the treatment of cultural events for children as secondary, less important.

     И тако је, уз прегршт лепих жеља, велике планове и много ентузијазма започела прича о „Звездаришту“. Фестивал је основан 2003. године а оснивач је Градска општина Звездара. Фестивал је члан Међународне мреже позоришта за децу и младе АСИТЕЖ и Регионалног позоришног центра за децу и младу публику ЕПИЦЕНТАР.

     The goals of the festival are: developing and fostering cultural habits in children and youth and affirming the educational importance of theatre as an important cultural content and space where in a creative way new knowledge is gained; encouraging mutual acquaintance, cooperation and exchange of experiences of theatre creators from different environments and creating a type of forum for the exchange of experiences, which will enable a faster integration of local artists and children's theatres into European and world trends.

   The festival is selective and competitive. The festival selector, from the total number of registered theatre plays, after viewing and expert assessment, invites the best ones.


  • луткарске, драмске/игране и комбиноване форме;
  • performances of classical theatre and performances belonging to new theatrical trends;
  • вербални и невербални театар (театар сенки, театар покрета, плесни театар…);
  • theatre plays for children of all ages - from the youngest to performances for teenagers;

   The festival is monitored by an expert jury composed of theatre artists and a children's jury (as an expression of respect and appreciation of the opinions of children as the target group for which the festival is primarily intended).

    Стручни жири додељује 7 награда у категоријама: најбоља представа фестивала, текст, режија, женска и мушка улога, дизајн и анимација лутке, а дечји жири додељује 1. 2. и 3. награду за представу у целини. Награде стручног жирија састоје се од повеље и новчаног износа, а награде дечјег жирија од повеље и опремљеног дечијег ликовног рада. Од 2008. године, додељује се и награда публике.

   In the first place, the festival is intended for children and young people, and indirectly also for parents, educators, teachers (those who care about the proper and healthy upbringing of children by recommending them quality cultural contents).

    With the aim of making cultural content accessible to as many children as possible, tickets will be distributed free of charge to all visitors, as well as children from orphanages and foster families, children from refugee camps, children with special needs, and children from socially vulnerable families. All accompanying programs are also free for all visitors.

Mihailo Dosković, president of the City Municipality of Zvezdara and president of the Festival Council;
Tatjana Peternek Aleksić (Council member);
Olivera Vikotorović Đurašković (Council member);
Ljiljana Marinković (Council member) and
Vesna Petrović Urošević (Council member)