Sarah Lustig


Theater Virovitica and City theater Joza Ivakić Vinkovci, Croatia

Duration: 40 minutes

Recommended age: 6+

Direction: Sarah Lustig
Scenography and puppet design: Mario Tomašević
Lighting design: Domagoj Garaj and Sarah Lustig
Music: Vedran Gorjup
Cast: Silvijo Švast, Monika Duvnjak, Goran Vučko, Nikola Radoš, Mateo Pšihistal

“A fairy tale all made of sugar” is a story about one Little Red Riding Hood, her Granny and one unusual Wolf who loves kids, but most of all, he loves sweets and cookies. After all, who would want to eat an innocent Granny when you have sweets and cookies.

Through one of the most famous fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, we’re going to see an importance of villains in the fairy tales and what do they bring to the story.
Can Little Red Riding Hood even exist without the Bad Wolf, find out in the puppet show “A fairy tale all made of sugar”.